I was introduced to Blitzkrieg Commander (BKC to it's friends!) in 2004 by Owen Bell, a fellow club member, and loved it straight away. Sadly, Owen is no longer with us, but he and I had some great games. In the time since then I have come to know some excellent people through the BKC forum, foremost amongst them Nik Harwood (a.k.a 'Tank-bane' - he is very good at getting his armour destroyed...)
My theatre of choice is late war Eastern Front. This is due to several factors: 1) everybody else playing BKC at our club had North West Europe covered, and we needed a Russian player, 2) I have a Russian wife and 3) late war models were the most readily available. If time, money and opponents allow, I'd like to cover the entire Eastern front, and North Africa, and may even dabble in the Pacific theatre. but that will be a long way off...and I'd have to win the lottery, so I can afford the house to put it all in!
My regular opponent now has US forces, so our games are now based in North West Europe, and at some stage I'll talk him into doing some Italy-based games as well.
My current battle groups are based on the excellent Micromark lists, and research from other sources. I originally aimed at doing 4000 points for each side (German, Soviet), but have now moved to focusing more on using historical OOBs rather than points.
Pictures of the Germans are here (armour, infantry or artillery) , and Russians are here (armour, infantry or artillery).
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