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Saved by Kiwi Dave
on October 11, 2009 at 6:19:12 pm



Blood Bowl (in my humble opinion) is the best game that Games Workshop ever did. It's fast, fun, entertaining, and you can't take it too seriously. The rules are clear and simple and can be learnt very quickly, and you don't need many models (11 as a minimum) to get started.


Summerbowl '08 ended up being a fairly short league, with 12 being the most games played by one team. Toby won this league with the Shadowwood Stalkers, a Chaos team who got very good at maulling other teams (and occasionally scoring a TD or two!)


Winterbowl '08 has now finished (and was even shorter than the Summerbowl!). The format for this was slightly different from Summerbowl '08, in that teams only started with 1 million GP (we used 1.1 for Summerbowl '08), players could only enter one team, and each team only played the other teams once. The league was won by Sedge's Glosfindel Wanderers (Wood Elf), with Jay's The Filrth Element (Nurgle) coming second (and amassing a huge Casualties For value on the way!)


The new Cheltenham Warchiefs league is a ladder league, and being run by Toby Bryant, so my role as League Commissioner has come to an end! (I'm sort of an assistant Commisioner) The League is run as per the Living Rule Book, without any of the optional rules, except Special Play Cards, and the starting value of a team is the usual 1 million GP. We have also added the three new teams as options for playes (Slann, Chaos pact and Underworld)


I have restarted Marienburg United for the ladder league, and hopefully they won't get as battered this time around....


I have also restarted the Black Deff Skwad, although they only thing they seem to be good at currently is dying....


And here is an incentive for the teams to do well...



Bloodweiser Babe

From Impact Miniatures

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